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Children Needed for Fall Course

Dear Everyone, In my fall 2024 course “How children talk to each other” (Linguistics/Educational Studies 054)
the students will study the speech of children from age 2 years old to 16 years old
and they need to meet with children of that age twice over the semester.
Do you have a child in that age range?
If so, please would you allow my students to work with your child?

My students will need to
1) read to them (or, if the child prefers, the child will read to the Swat student)
2) videorecord them talking to each other

Each session will take no more than an hour — students will adjust according to the age and interest of the child. Don’t worry — we will do our best to make this a truly fun experience for your child. In the past, many families have repeated from year to year because their children had so much fun. Really.

For the videorecording, we need two children — so it would be lovely if you’d invite one of your child’s friends over for the recording or if your child could interact with a sibling (older or younger — it doesn’t matter).

The recordings will not be used for anything other than our class. And if you want, my students can use made-up names for them for anonymity.


I need to know the names and ages of the children soon, so that i can devise appropriate assignments for the students ahead of time.

I look forward to hearing about your wonderful families.

Thank you.

Donna Jo

Helpers needed – Yard clean-up

Looking for a team of 2-4 helpers for yard cleanup (pruning, installing mulch, raking, weeding).
Must be able to lift or slide containers of 40-50 pounds.
Please contact only if you have a team of 2-4 helpers for minimum of 2 hours.
Email with YARD HELP in subject line.

The Pretenders tickets 7/14 @ The Fillmore!

I can no longer make this…

(2) GA tickets for The Pretenders at The Fillmore on July 14, 2024

Must have Ticketmaster to transfer tickets.


Email if intrested

the-fillmore-endstage-ga-reserved-58702.jpg (32 KB)

the-pretenders-tour-2024.jpg (124 KB)

Looking for mini-fridges

My name is Pete Clemmer, Swat ’09.  I’m looking for 1 to 2 mini fridges from which I want to build some things and I’m wondering if there are any students trying to get rid of mini-fridges?  I’d appreciate any info you have.
