Off-Campus Jobs

Swarthmore College Classifieds acts only as an intermediary internet service provider between community members seeking or offering goods and services, housing, or employment opportunities and is not responsible for the content of the materials posted here. The College does not verify or vouch for the authenticity of any posts. The responsibility for obtaining that verification belongs to those who respond to them. The College has no control over the quality, safety, or legality of what is described in the Classifieds, nor the truth or accuracy of the listings.

Summer Babysitter (Tuesdays/Thursdays)

I am looking for a babysitter who will be here over the summer and is available to babysit my 4 year old daughter during the day on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The start time is either 9am or 11:45am, depending on whether she has camp that day. The end time is 5pm. Our home is in Morton (1.5 miles from campus). She also loves to play on campus, at local playgrounds, and in the public library. Pay is $18 per hour. Please email me, if you are interested!

Tech help

I’m looking for someone to help me add an Outlook email account to my phone, get set up on Calendly, combine my calendars, and organize my Google Drives … and maybe handle a few other boomer problems

Computer Science Job: Reactive Native App Builder

Looking for help building a Reactive Native app for local residents. Compensation is negotiable.

It’s hard to find time to do the things you want to do. It’s even harder to find friends who are also free at the same time you’re free, and up for doing that thing you want to do. Who’s Free? tells people around you when you’re free, and what activity you’re looking to do.

Looking for a computer science student who can help me build Who’s Free as a multi-platfom app using Reactive Native and AWS (or equivalent cloud-based backend). Familiarity with basic UX design is preferred (or you will need to phone a design friend). App will require ‘login’ functionality, basic form entry and data storage, and messaging capabilities (email, SMS, or push).

Initial proof-of-concept/pilot audience will be middle-aged men and women of Swarthmore.

Here is a little bit about me. I’m a dad of 3 kids under 7 and my family and I have lived in Swarthmore since 2022. I work in Philadelphia as a product manager. If you are interested in learning more, please text or call me at 610-247-7251.

Email Tom at