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Off-Campus Jobs
Website and Social Media Help
I’m opening a bookstore in Swarthmore in September 2025. I’m looking for help keeping our website current, posting on social media, and making sure our online presence is consistent and updated. We are using SquareSpace, LinkTree, Bookshop.org, Libro.fm, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, and eventually BookManager.
Celia Bookshop is an independent, woman-owned bookstore which will be located at 102 Park Ave.
Looking for babysitter
Hello, I’m searching for a babysitter available 2-3 days a week (weekdays) from approximately 4-6pm for my 18 month old son. We live in Swarthmore. Prefer for this person to have some experience caring for toddlers. Thanks for your interest!
Looking for before and after school care for two boys ages 12 and 14. Estimating 25 hours a week with some flexibility. Hours: 7-9AM and 3-6 PM. Must have a car for transportation to after school activities. Meal prep and light laundry a plus.
Housework/yardwork opportunity
Opportunity to do yardwork and/or housework in pleasant home very close to campus and the ville. Flexible hours. No experience necessary. Please e-mail to discuss.