Swarthmore College Classifieds acts only as an intermediary internet service provider between community members seeking or offering goods and services, housing, or employment opportunities and is not responsible for the content of the materials posted here. The College does not verify or vouch for the authenticity of any posts. The responsibility for obtaining that verification belongs to those who respond to them. The College has no control over the quality, safety, or legality of what is described in the Classifieds, nor the truth or accuracy of the listings.
Off-Campus Jobs
Seeking babysitter two afternoons/week
We are looking for a babysitter to care for our two young boys for about two hours, two afternoons per week, ideally Tuesday and Thursday, but days are flexible.
Boys are ages 2 and 4, and hours are from 3:15PM until about 5:30PM.
Competitive pay and flexibility.
Potential for more hours in summer months if desired.
Start date ASAP.
ISO Math Tutor
We are looking for someone to tutor our 4th grader in math, 1-2 times per week.
Part time Babysitter Wanted
Young Swarthmore family (10 minute walk to campus) is seeking a babysitter for our fun and active toddler (21 months) a few times a week in our home – days and times flexible. Both parents work from home and have a large, friendly dog. Please send a text to learn more!
ISO Weekend Babysitter
We are in search of a babysitter (one day per weekend, day is flexible, and occasional weekend nights) for 2 kids (ages 6 and 9), starting as soon as possible. Please reach out if you’re interested! (267) 259-0793; mkandestin@gmail.com