
Swarthmore College Classifieds acts only as an intermediary internet service provider between community members seeking or offering goods and services, housing, or employment opportunities and is not responsible for the content of the materials posted here. The College does not verify or vouch for the authenticity of any posts. The responsibility for obtaining that verification belongs to those who respond to them. The College has no control over the quality, safety, or legality of what is described in the Classifieds, nor the truth or accuracy of the listings.

Photographer. Graduation Photos.

Hi, I am a local photographer and filmmaker based in Swarthmore. Please call to book an appointment for your graduation photo: (215)375-5743

I charge $30 an hour.

Side: Some of you might remember me from chorus.


Helpers needed – Yard clean-up

Looking for a team of 2-4 helpers for yard cleanup (pruning, installing mulch, raking, weeding).
Must be able to lift or slide containers of 40-50 pounds.
Please contact only if you have a team of 2-4 helpers for minimum of 2 hours.
Email with YARD HELP in subject line.

Looking for mini-fridges

My name is Pete Clemmer, Swat ’09.  I’m looking for 1 to 2 mini fridges from which I want to build some things and I’m wondering if there are any students trying to get rid of mini-fridges?  I’d appreciate any info you have.
