
Swarthmore College Classifieds acts only as an intermediary internet service provider between community members seeking or offering goods and services, housing, or employment opportunities and is not responsible for the content of the materials posted here. The College does not verify or vouch for the authenticity of any posts. The responsibility for obtaining that verification belongs to those who respond to them. The College has no control over the quality, safety, or legality of what is described in the Classifieds, nor the truth or accuracy of the listings.

3d Printer support

I have a resin 3d printer and need the FEP film changed. I have all the supplies to change the film. I live close to Swarthmore (in Wallingford) and can deliver the materials. Price to be negotiated.

Seeking babysitter

Seeking babysitter for one time per week for a few hours for 2 year old. Hours and days flexible. Possibility to expand to weekends and/or summertime occasional sitter if interested.

Please reach out! Very flexible.

small reward—looking for laundry bag

Has anyone seen this bag since break started? Dark green, Laundry size, drawstring. Packed it with some clothes before break but got lost in the move-out madness. Likely somewhere on the Ville side of the tracks. Small reward available.

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Bass Amp for sale

Peavy Max 110 Bass Amplifier
Lightly used
Fully functional
Selling for $115

Email or text me if you’re interested!

BassBack.png (960 KB)

BassFront.png (1 MB)

SAT tutoring

Looking for SAT tutoring for myself in reading and writing section. I’m a junior in high school.